My first experience of 3D film was over 10 years ago at Disneyworld in Florida, a show case of the technology lasting around 10 minutes. Seemingly there were objects flying towards and around you, and even though you know its not real, you still react by moving out of the way. Fun enough to make everyone smile.
Films such as Star Wars and Toy Story have reset the benchmarks for special visual effects and sound quality. Avatar (30th Jan) sets another by combining human actors and physical sets with expansive CGI effects and presented in 3D. There are recognisable storyline similarities with Alien, Dances With Wolves and Pocahontas, and its over 2 hours long. But its the visual quality, the detail and the 3D effect that overwhelms from the start and keeps you engaged. Fabulous.
Films such as Star Wars and Toy Story have reset the benchmarks for special visual effects and sound quality. Avatar (30th Jan) sets another by combining human actors and physical sets with expansive CGI effects and presented in 3D. There are recognisable storyline similarities with Alien, Dances With Wolves and Pocahontas, and its over 2 hours long. But its the visual quality, the detail and the 3D effect that overwhelms from the start and keeps you engaged. Fabulous.
Thursday 25th Feb and its Chantel McGregor at the Duchess with support from Jessica 'Jess' Graham. The paper bracelet they wrapped on my wrist at entry was white with lots of pink stars reflecting the girlie theme. Jess and her band had already started, and apart from a couple of funkier numbers, which the rest of the audience enjoyed, she was really good, kinda' reminding me of Tracey Chapman. At 8:30 Chantel began, on a proper stage and with a superior sound system, 2 hours of excellent rock/blues, including 2 of her own songs, amazing guitar work, unique charm, the experience was ... fabulous.